Collection Includes: PSA NM-MT 8: 145 Drysdale, 310 Aparicio; PSA NM 7: 520 Brock, 200 Cepeda, 165 Oliva, 144 Morgan, 85 Perry, 205 Marichal, 385 Hunter; PSA EX-MT+ 6.5: 103 Sutton; PSA EX-MT 6: 408 Carlton, 215 Bunning, 37 Williams, 100 Gibson, 20 Robinson, 575 Palmer, 240 Kaline, 250 Yastrzemski; PSA EX+ 5.5: 45 Seaver; PSA EX 5: 80 Carew, 220 Killebrew, 110 Aaron; PSA VG-EX+ 4.5: 230 Rose; SGC 6: 150 Clemente, 130 Perez; SGC 5: 500 Robinson; BVG 7: 355 Banks; BVG EX-MT 6: 410 Jenkins;
+ Includes 18 Raw Cards - Highlights include: #'s 58 Mathews (VG/EX), 280 Mantle (PSA minimum size not met), 290 McCovey (EX/MT) and 330 Maris (VG+). Grades mostly VG/EX to EX/MT.