Collection includes: PSA EX-MT 6: 410 Kaline, 290 Santo, 445 Kaat, 430 Drysdale; PSA EX 5: 126 Palmer, 120 Killebrew, 254 Jenkins/Sorrell, 550 McCovey, 70 Yastrzemski, 390 Robinson, 110 Banks, 310 Robinson; PSA VG-EX 4: 300 Clemente, 500 Aaron, 320 Gibson, 1 Mays, 255 Stargell, 530 Roberts; BVG EX-MT+ 6.5: 36 Hunter; BVG EX-MT+ 5.5: 30 Rose; BVG EX-MT+ 5: 132 Cepeda; SGC NM 7: 420 Marichal, 90 Aparicio; SGC EX/NM 6: 160 Ford;
+ 19 Raw Cards - Highlights include: #'s 72 Perez (miscut), 100 Koufax (VG/EX), 125 Brock (EX-), 195 Morgan (EX), 200 Mathews (EX), 288 Sutton (EX), 365 Maris (EX/MT), 580 Williams (VG) and 598 Perry (EX+). Grades mostly VG/EX to EX.