Collection Includes: 1 Sayers (2), 2 Bell (4), 3 Gabriel (4), 4 Tyrer (3), 5 Brown (5), 6 Eller (2), 7 Mack (4), 8 Jones (5), 9 Robinson (5), 10 Stenerud (2), 11 Butkus (4), 12 Barney (6), 13 Lee (6), 14 Wilson (5), 15 Hickerson (8), 16 Alworth (7), 17 Olsen (6), 18 Trumpy (5), 19 Lilly (5), 20 Tingelhoff (3), 21 Hill (3), 22 Warfield (2), 23 Howley (3), 24 Brown (7). Grades average GD to VG/EX including some slightly nicer and some lesser.